Authentication methods Single-password security , RU Security , Windows security and Custom Server Security can now be enabled simultaneously using checkboxes.
Proxy URL for HTTP requests. If necessary, specify the proxy server's username, password, and port. This feature is available in enterprise edition only.
Puma is a simple, fast, multi-threaded, and highly parallel HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications.
Apr 17, 2024 · Banned Password Lists is a feature of the Password Protection component of Entra ID providing additional security for password-based authentication.
Nov 10, 2023 · This report will analyze the APT group DarkCasino and its detailed attacks launched recently, disclose the exploitation of WinRAR vulnerabilities.
Global control packet retransmit interval: 3 (default). Global control packet ... To configure the global authentication username and password for all access ...
Jul 21, 2022 · Use local password to open door: Go to EGS Setting→Password→Add Password Rule. Type: Local. Mode: Enable. Name: fill in your own name. Password: ...
CORS or "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing" refers to the situations when a frontend running in a browser has JavaScript code that communicates with a backend.
To restore all Plesk data including user passwords, you have to provide the same password that was specified for the backup. The security settings described ...
Rclone is a command line program to manage files on cloud storage. After download and install, continue here to learn how to use it.